Friday, May 20, 2011

The Lost Saint

I've pretty much sworn off all vampire/werewolf/paranormal stories, except for series that I've already started. I'm so sick of them! The Lost Saint is a werewolf book, it's true. So, if that's not your thing I wouldn't recommend it. Now, I really liked the first book. I won't give you a summary of this one because I don't want to give any spoilers from the first. Oh, and just so you know, the cover really has nothing to do with the book. I wish I wasn't so... I don't know... bare-legged-y. This book is 100% clean and written by an LDS author.

My big complaint about this book is that it's been to long since I've read the first. Because of that, I didn't feel very connected to the original story. I couldn't really remember it until about half-way through the book. Also, this being a sequel, the romance is suffering from serious sequel-phase (fighting, things tearing them apart, that kind of rubbish). I hate that because they worked so hard to be together in the first book and then they threw it all away. Stupid. The focus of the book also seemed to be on the romance, and I wanted more of the mythology and the plot in general. Anyway, overall, I didn't enjoy reading this as much as the first book (The Dark Divine).

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