Friday, August 28, 2009

Spindle's End

Robin McKinley is the queen of fairy-tale retellings (I think I've already said that on this blog...). Spindle's End (a retelling of Sleeping Beauty) is a must read for the fairy-tale enthusiast. Just like Beauty, Spindle's End delivers with its beautifully described world and compelling heroine. No, Rosie is no Disney princess, but maybe that's why I loved her so much. :D Aside from that, Robin McKinley is probably the only author I know who can add so many details to her stories without bogging down the plot. This book is pure magic.

1 comment:

Elizabeth said...

I'm glad to hear that you liked this book. I really enjoyed it as well but most people I know who've read it really don't. I don't see what is not to like. I just discovered that Robin is still writing books and I read one of her more recent ones Sunshine. So not what I was expecting. Much more grown up, about vampires and no even closely related to clean (although much cleaner than a lot of fantasy book especially about vampires). I find myself curious about the switch in writing style. Plus, I am always a little disappointed by all McKinely books because they are never as good as Blue Sword to me :-) That is the problem with falling in love with something during your formative years, you can never be objective again after that.